脈輪符號 - 海底輪 Root Chakra



海底輪的梵文名稱是 Muladhara, 這結合了兩個字元 Mula (=Root) 以及 adhara (=base, foundation)。海底輪是我們的根基,人的所有發展都有賴於這個穩固堅實的基礎,也就是說人們需要依靠健康的海底輪來進一步成長與發展。



在印度教傳統,紅色是夏克堤的顏色,代表能量、甦醒、移動、以及發展 。此處的紅色是黎明的紅色,是揚升的意識,從睡著休息的狀態來到了甦醒活躍的覺知。海底輪被認為是人類意識的誕生起點,自我覺知的黎明時刻,也讓靈性意識的發展與轉化蘊含可能性。


因為海底輪代表人類意識的誕生,蓮花的四片花瓣就代表人類靈魂四個主要面向根植在海底輪:心智 mind (Manas), 理智 intellect (Buddhi), 記憶 consciousness (Chitta) 以及 我執 ego (Ahamkara).

另一個說法是四片花瓣代表人類生命的四個目標:「法」 dharma (a virtuous, moral life),「利」artha (a life of meaning and purpose),「欲」 Kama (a life of pleasure, sensuality and emotional fulfillment) 以及「釋」 Moksha (a life dedicated to spiritual liberation and self-actualization)。這四個人類生命的目標並非彼此互斥,而總稱為 “Purusartha” ( = the object of human pursuit),這以上是一個印度教哲學上的核心概念。







more symbolism of the root chakra symbol

Sometimes additional elements are added to the Root Chakra Symbol:

The Seed Syllable LAM – this is considered to be a sacred syllable that can awaken the Root Chakra. It is sometimes written within the center of the Root Chakra Symbol.

The Hindu deity Shiva – in combination with the Root Chakra Symbol, Shiva is depicted in his manifestation as the Lord of the animals (Pashupati Mahadeva), meaning that the animalistic tendencies are now being left behind for the human consciousness to evolve to higher, more refined states.

An elephant with seven trunks – the elephant is the symbolic animal of the root chakra. It stands for both stability and wisdom. Its depiction with seven trunks refers to the seven elements of the human body according to Ayurveda, an ancient system for naturopathic medicine: Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscles), Meda (fat), Ashti (bone), Majja (bone marrow), Shukra (semen). They are also a reference to the seven levels of consciousness: Unconsciousness, subconsciousness, dream consciousness, waking consciousness, astral consciousness, supreme consciousness, and cosmic consciousness. But possibly they can also be understood as a reference to the seven Chakras themselves.