來了來了!Plus DNA~

Feel like some invisible wooden branches extending from the Plus DNA, which is placed around the heart chakra, towards the head and four limbs, holding everything together.

And heating sensation appears in the heart chakra then, the fire burning downward, from heart chakra to solar plexus and to navel chakra, which is the path that I have some blockade feelings previously while reciting the Pashandrup mantra.

And then the fire goes down to the root chakra, super ~!

感覺在 Plus DNA 所在的心輪有無形的枝幹結構展延開來,到頭部以及四肢,將所有的一切支撐住。

接著心輪熱了起來,火往下燒,到太陽輪,然後到臍輪,這個路徑是之前我誦念Pashandrup 時有感到阻塞的地方。
