自身天堂喜悅 Joy From Your Heaven

EN below

大老師每個月一次的工作坊,這個月的主題是「自身天堂的喜悅」Joy From Your Heaven


  • 校準喜悅之流:很自然的就校準到,喜悅從天而傾降而下,源源不斷,沐浴其中非常舒服。
  • 讓喜悅可碰觸:一開始感覺在身體層次跟喜悅能量有隔閡,漸漸的,喜悅有從外部項內部滲進來,比較平靜。
  • 讓喜悅充滿因果體:感覺到整個能量體變得清明寬廣,一開始看到因果體上佈滿了各種深淺大小的金色數字串環繞。眉心輪越來越清晰平靜。
  • 讓喜悅充滿情緒體:像是浸泡在喜悅的泡泡裡,越來越舒服。
  • 讓喜悅充滿身體:真的就是從心輪開始,能量像熔岩似的向下流動,但是是溫暖的感覺,暖暖的。

完畢,下個月是「在你的秘密深處」Deep inside your Secret。

Joy From Your Heaven

The theme of this month's workshop is "Joy From Your Heaven".

After a brief explanation, we started to work in five steps, and the steps and feelings are as follows:

  • Align the flow of joy from heaven: It took little time for me to align the flow of joy, and I felt very comfortable to bathe in the joy flow as it poured down from heaven.
  • Let joy be reachable for us: At first, it felt like there is a barrier between the physical level and the energy of joy, but gradually, joy seeped in from the outside and I was calmer.
  • Let joy fill the causal body: I felt that the whole energy body became clear and widened, and at first I saw the causal body sphere surrounded by golden rows of numbers with various shades and sizes. The forehead chakra became more and more clear and calm.
  • Letting joy fill the emotional body: It was like being immersed in a bubble of joy, and I felt  more and more relaxed.
  • Letting joy fill the physical body: It really started from the heart chakra, and the energy flows downward like lava, but it is a warm but not hot feeling.

The theme of next month is "Deep inside your Secret".