簡介「從陰影進入光明工作坊」Introducing 'From the shadow into the light'

EN below






Hello my friends, hello loved ones, today I would like to talk about the theme of the month 'From the shadow into the light'. As an aspect we will recognize in all aspects of life. 

Like globally we receive more information that was covered so far. Nationally we will see who is lying to us, who is the perpetrator in our own government, and our social system. And for ourself, we will recognize that there had been powers of ourselves, which had been covered and are now rising. For us it's some awakening on different levels of awakening that starts within ourselves but goes far beyond ourselves to our state, our government. society we live in. 

What are our reasons to be here, let them awaken out of the shadow, let them be part of your light. Experience your arising powers and possibilities, love them, integrate them in your love, work on your awareness, look behind the shadow, and allow the shadow within your love, to join light.

It's a very interesting time right now, and happy to have you on my side, love you all, see you soon.