[Agni's Talk] 阿格尼開講 20220422 Weekly Update

EN below












Hello loved ones, here's my update of the week, starting on Friday, April 22nd.

This week: 
Choices are encouraged.
Before you make them, see if they stand up to your love,
or if they are made out of only your thoughts playing games.
Born out of your love, they prepare the foundation
for an outcome that supports your goal.
The following mantra helps you to be clear about their origin:

So there are a lot of choices to make, and one of the important choices is how far do we want to be controlled by our government or by the globalists. And if we take a look at China which many of the globalists see as a playground to test people.

We should be worried if we really need more so-called security, so more of the surveillance. Like we have the lockdown in Shanghai where everybody has to have a smartphone connected to the artificial intelligence of the government, who sees in real time if you leave the building or not, if you meet somebody in a supermarket who might have been infected or whatever. but it's not off course to protect the citizens to be infected, as a try to control everybody 24/7.

And this model is a test run for the western world. And countries like Canada or Australia, try to implant it already in to their citizens by controlling their money flow by controlling their lockdowns, by taking away their human rights. 

On the other hand some countries are still democratic or so-called democratic, so that citizens have a choice. As we had in the states where a federal judge in Florida rules as a mask, are not, mass mask mandate is not up to the law and so we have no more mass mandate in public transportation. So a single lady in Florida could rule over CDC who demand unlawful instrument to control people.

So the decision we have to make to stand up for ourselves, one single one can do a lot of change. if we stand up for the right things, things our heart advises us to do, things which are in our love, into our love, for ourselves, and for everybody else.

So don't be fooled by our governments, don't be fooled by they're saying, 'Oh you need more surveillance to feel safe', 'Crime is rising only surveillance keep you safe', 'You have to take away your own protection because the government will protect you'. No, it doesn't, it does it nowhere on earth.

We have to be up to our own decisions, we have to follow our love, we have to follow our heart. Don't give in and more government ruling, give in to be free again, and stand up for your human rights, and not into the globalists who try to kill most of us and rule the rest.

So go to your heart, take the mantra, take any decision of your next days weeks and months and see if it's carried by your heart, by your love or is it just the mind game which the media put into your head to say, 'Hey, you have to be ruled', 'You have to give up your rights now then you're safe', 'You have to give up your own decision making, we can decide so much better for you.'

So clear your mind by floating within your love, stay centered in your heart, stay happy, all the best with a lot of love. Talk to you soon.