接下來的月份會發生什麼? What to expect in the Month to Come?
EN below
Hello, Loved ones, Today I would like to talk about the upcoming energies in this winter and the year to come. We will start in October to see a lot of resistance, a large energy wave is rolling towards us and wants to push us down to avoid us to use this energy for ourself, for our success. We have to prepare now. 'Now' means this September.
Take a little time for yourself, look inwards, see which informations are suppressed by yourself from your past, bring them to your daylight, and use this information to find your inner order, to clean up your spaces, to know where you want to go in the next 2 years.
After finding its order, make it as a focus, focus that keeps you in your love, keeps you on your path, helps you through the different difficult times in the next 18 months to be on top of it, to use the chaos around you, the resistance against you for your own success.
Stay in your love, be happy. And if you need some help, join me Sunday on the small seminar: 'Reset your mind.' It will help you to find your focus and start winter which is supporting you instead of tearing you down.
See you soon, thank you.