工作坊筆記:頂住壓力 Notes on Resist the Pressure Workshop

EN Scripts below











數字真言是 79181716。







The followings are the English Scripts of the Workshop.

Today's topic is 'Resist Pressure', and Agni said it's a topic that is very much in the now, because of what is happening in the world. But also it's very much interesting in general, because we all have times again and again where the pressure seems to rise too much for us to hold, to resist, But really what happens is that we don't know how to properly take care of it or how to properly deal with pressure in our life.

If you've ever tried to or take or practice diving, you know that you always have to harmonized the inside pressure with the outside pressure. That's a normal part of diving. You always have to harmonize that pressure. 

We have this unconscious way of dealing with pressure and that usually means that we try to oppose pressure from the inside which only leads to the outer pressure becoming stronger and stronger and stronger and us feeling less and less and less able to resist the pressure or hold up to it. Because we don't harmonize that inner pressure with outer pressure but try to use energy to hold against the pressure. We happens to feel things or what happens to us it's like burnout or exhaustion or tiredness and all of these things just because we don't harmonize the pressure on the inside and the outside.

It's again a 3 step program. The first step will be a Mudra, and this Mudra will help us find these parts, fields, aspects within us where our inside pressure is not strong enough to harmonize the outside pressure. And step 2 is a number's Mantra to actually build up that inside pressure and step 3 is an initiation that Agni will explain later.

First step: both hands, and you sit on the inside of your hands, so you push them underneath your behind and sit on them for about half a minute or Agni said a minute until you feel you are relaxing. The the step 2 is you use index and middle finger of both hands to tap your temples, and again this is to further relax the entire system. And then step 3 is the middle finger of the right hand goes astral level, from root chakra all the way to the forehead chakra. and that leads to us realizing or seeing or feeling where these tension of fields of unharmonized pressures appear.

The tempo of slow obviously means that, it's about your perception, how quickly those attention fields show themselves, how deeply they are buried, and how long it takes you to recognize them actually for what they are.

If you condense them into an explanation, step one is to relax, step two is to de-stress, step three is to recognize.

This imbalance of pressure leads to feeling that everything that seemingly produces or feels like more pressure on the outside, produces more imbalance on the inside, even like positive pressure, like, you know, take care of your self, relax, be good to yourself, you know, enjoy your food, something like that, that is like a positive enforcement is actually then felt by us like even more pressure , oh now I also have to do this. So what the second step does is, or should do , or will do is that we take this positive reinforcement, this positive pressure from the outside to change it into inner pressure that we need to harmonize ourselves between inside and outside pressure.

The mantra we will use the numbers Mantra is 79181716.

the initiation will lead to an automatism which is means when we have a deficit on the inside for pressure, we automatic will use outside positive pressure to create this inside pressure that we need to be in balance and in Harmony and Agni said he himself often does not take care enough of this harmonizing within himself, so for as as soon as we have the initiation, it will happen automatically.