帶入你的訊息 Bring Your Messages

EN Scripts Below








真言是 19181918,花5分鐘冥想並寫下。







EN Scripts

The topic today is bring your message into the the world. Why is it important? Because all the messages we don't bring into the world are the messages we don't release, so the messages we don't voice, and just take up space within our system and so these spaces are occupied and the next and new messages cannot come out.

Agni said, traditionally we have many many messages that we actually never delivered to the world. The is part of the way we are raised, part of the society we live in, because we're taught that our messages they don't need to be heard or people don't want to hear them. So we learn to not trust ourselves, we learned that even though we're connected, well connected to our heaven, that we have this fear of delivering our messages because the world doesn't need them or doesn't want them, or that we are afraid what might happen if we deliver the messages to the world, and we don't have the courage maybe to look for the people that actually want our messages.

As always, 3 steps in our journey, and the first one is a Mudra, and this Mudra serves the purpose to make these places visible within us that are occupied by these unvoiced messages, Agni will show it again 

Agni: You start from the lower part of the ears, go up through the ears to the temples and then from the temples to the back of head, till the 2 thumbs meet each other on the back side of head. 

Agni said, what he noticed is that, for many of us, throat chakra is blocked, he said he feels that has to to, specifically for us, with the last three years of this pandemic, where through all these measures and all o these leaders that have not allowed anyone to actually speak their mind against measures, we've all learned to keep back and hold back what we actually would like to or have to say. So that leads to blocking our throat chakra, which leads to something that we have noticed, that even in our circles, many of us are very inactive and very un-voicing compared to before the pandemic started. Which means, as soon as you block, or as soon as there is a block in the 3rd chakra, there is a block in action, we don't go into action so much any more. And Agni said, if we start at the beginning of time like the Bible says, in the beginning there was the word, and the Word was. And if the word cannot be, then no action can follow.

Step 2 is about our individual messages, so not only about, you know, these daily messages that we maybe have for the world, but the individual message that all of us bring into our incarnation from our heavens. So we are messengers from our you know where we come from, from our origins and most of us have not even started to share this original message, with our families, our pears, the world around us. We, for whatever reason. We can now in the second step, find this message within us and then it's our choice, who or where we share this message.

5 minutes, 19181918

So, our 3rd step obviously is the initiation, and Agni said, messages that we don't deliver are not only messages that we choose not to deliver, but there's also in our consciousness there is an automatic cut that says, that does not even allow us to share messages. It's like an automatic reset, a little bit like when you leave a parking garage, you cannot back up, it's like these flaps that come up and hinder you in returning back. And he says that's kind of what we have in our consciousness, look like yellow signs and  blockages, flaps, that don't allow our messages to actually come out. So what happens with the initiation is the automatic hindrance will be turned into automatic opening, and then we can consciously decide if we would now like to share this message or when the right time for sharing this messages. 

For us it will feel like we become much looser. We're not so caged or so controlled by our own control mechanisms.