20230721 Weekly Update: 11221133

EN below









Diese Woche:

Nicht jede Konfrontation ist vermeidbar.

Nicht immer sind Kompromisse die beste Lösung.

Wir brauchen eine klare Führung unseres Herzens, dann fällt es leichter, standhaft an der eigenen Wahrheit festzuhalten 

und keinen Zentimeter abzuweichen.

Unterstützung erfahren wir durch folgendes Mantra:


This week:

Not every confrontation is avoidable.

Compromise is not always the best solution.

We need clear guidance from our heart,

then it is easier to hold steadfastly to one's own truth and not to deviate an inch.

We are supported by the following mantra:


We always try to find compromises to keep peace, to keep the discussion going on, not to hurt anybody, but to respect everybody. Of course we're going on to respect everybody, but sometimes we have to fear the deviation that we don't give up our point just to keep peace, but to stand in our heart, in our truth, and don't give an inch. So soon it will be clearer for everybody as conscious rises, but now in this time of change, we always have to ask our heart is this our truth? And then don't give an inch. Stay respectful, stay in your love, be happy.