20240915 Monthly Workshop: Transformation of Destruction into New Beginnings

EN Scripts Below







練習一是真言冥想。真言是 90701130。真言幫助喚醒我們對改變的願意,並強化我們對改變的願意。三分鐘。



手印分兩個部分。第一個部分,用你的兩手輕敲你的雙膝九次,每敲一次,默念一句「Om Namah Shivayah」。這會喚醒並強化我們的謙卑,這對再次站起而言是先決條件。

第二部分是雙手指尖來到你的頸後,當你緩慢地將你的手臂完全伸展開到兩側的同時,你緩慢地唸出一次「Om Namah Shivayah」,唸出時要像讓一切都與你一起振動的程度。這個部分會讓我們擴展進入成功。




EN Scripts

The topic today, transformation of destruction into new beginnings. 

We always try to be a little bit ahead of the times, a head of the times to be better prepared than our, as Agni says, brothers or sisters. And right now we're experiencing little bit of destruction already on many many levels, but this is really just foreplay.

So we all have been waiting, are still waiting, some of us, for many many years, that our world becomes a new world, that the earth becomes a new earth. Because all beings should and will be living in consciousness, in full consciousness. But Agni said, it's not going to happen today, most likely it's going to happen within the next seven years between 2025 and 2032. 

So a typical topic for living in the fire, with the fire, is that everything needs to be demolished first before it can be reborn. You know, we experience that in going through our own transformations, when fires happen, they have to destroy in order to allow the earth to regrow and so on. So that's a normal process.

What Agni's intention is today is to prepare for the last couple of months of the year, like prepare us for this foreplay of destruction. Because the destruction we're experiencing right now is manmade. So it's not creation, it's not nature that is really happening, it's man-made. And it's much less than what creation itself will do within this next seven years cycle. 

We will experience these changes of course not only into physical body or being, but also emotionally and spiritually. And that's much more intense right now. Our physical consciousness will follow but that's not what's in the forefront right now. And in order to support like this emotional and spiritual change, it needs not so much time, but much more our willingness to change and to adapt.

So the first step of course is our mantra meditation. The mantra is in the chat: 90701130. And this will help awaken our willingness to change and to strengthen our willingness to change. 3 minutes.

Agni had some fun because to him it looked like the transformer toys. You know, those that's like a car that then transforms into something and then into something. So he said that's kind of what that energy looked like to him. that's he said so, the toy industry was way ahead of us.

So the Mudra, serves the purpose to free the power that in difficult phases of life, to stand up again and to be more successful than before.

This is a 2-step mudra. The first one is, you take both hands, and you tap your knees 9 times, and with each tap you repeat silently 'Om Name Shivayah'. And that awakens strengthens our humbleness, which is the prerequisite to stand up again.

And the 2 stop is your fingertips go onto your neck, and while you slowly extend your arms until they're fully extended to the sides, you repeat one 'Om Name Shivayah'.

[As to reciting 'Om Name shivaya'] The first one can be silently and the 2nd one loud so everything vibrates with you.

The question in the chat was what, what is step 2? what is it for, and it's like the step number one, this humbleness is the base on which we stand to rise again to get up again. So this step is to expand into successfulness. 

About 3 minutes.

The initiation serves the purpose to implement within our energy system that destruction is not the end, but it's the beginning of a new strength for creation that moves us and the community forward.

So the next date is October 20th, and the topic is 'Freezing, exploding, becoming alive'