
目前顯示的是 6月, 2022的文章

[Agni's Talk] 阿格尼開講 20220624 Weekly Update

EN below 本週: 放鬆、喜悅與臣服是我們清單上的首要之務。 我們獲取新的力量。 我們更新與神性的盟約。 要讓從緊繃到放鬆的移轉更輕鬆的話,我們可以運用下面真言: 37908090 上個月有好些緊繃在那兒,放鬆下來是需要的,再次連結神性是需要的。 放鬆期間,享受神性重回你的每日生活。放鬆過後,我們的力量會再被需要。 所以有個蒙福的一兩週,這時可以放鬆,蓄滿你的能量水庫,接著回來,以你的愛你的光帶領。 保持快樂。 This week: Relaxation, joy and devotion are at the top of our list. We draw fresh strength. We renew our alliance with the divine. To make the transition from tension to relaxation easier, we can use the following mantra: 37908090. Having quite some tension in there for the last month, relaxation is needed. Reconnecting to the divine is needed.  Enjoy the return of the divine in your daily life during your relaxation period. After this relaxation period, our strength is needed again. So have a blessed one or two weeks where you can relax, fill up your energy reservoir, and come back to guide with your love and your light. Be happy.

From Pain to Power 從痛苦到力量

EN below. 2022年6月的每月工作坊。 一開始老師簡介,當我們習於痛苦,有慢性痛苦的狀況時,累積的痛苦能量會在體內蓄積形成痛苦能量水庫,這個水庫所在的位置與痛苦發生的位置無關,今天工作坊就是要將蓄積在的痛苦能量水庫中的能量取用出來成為力量。 老師進一步解釋,痛苦在身體運行如同經過經脈,來到痛苦能量水庫儲存,點化是讓能量水庫的開口,找到對準能夠形成力量的路徑,產生力量。 分三個步驟: 第一步:箴言 37193117 冥想 2 分鐘。認出痛苦能量水庫所在。 第二步:箴言 40408080 冥想 2 分鐘。讓力量的面相變得可見。 第三步:點化,5分鐘。讓痛苦與力量的原型混合在一起,讓彼此開口相接,痛苦能量會自動轉成力量能量並穩定下來。 個人經驗: 第一步:看到黑色的運送管路從各個身體痛苦點連結到位於肝臟位置的黑色的痛苦能量水庫,整個水庫在發熱。 第二步:看到內在紫色,如蜘蛛網結構的龐大網路。 第三步:感受到兩個系統相接,全身四肢都有能量在流動,彷彿有無數的奇花異卉從身體開始長出,彷彿有一千隻手外展開始創造。 非常殊勝的課程經驗,謝謝阿格尼。 The monthly workshop in June 2022. At the beginning, the teacher introduced that when we are used to pain and have chronic pain conditions, the pain energy will accumulate in the body and form a pain energy reservoir, and the location of this reservoir is not related to the location of the pains. The teacher further explained that pain runs through the body through something like  meridian lines and comes to the pain energy reservoir to be stored. The initiation helps to fit the opening of the energy reservoir to f

[Agni's Talk] 阿格尼開講 20220617 Weekly Update

EN below 本週: 新得到的洞見,想找到進入我們日常生活的途徑。 我們因過往事件而來的經驗仍在抗拒。 藉著下面真言,我們可以支持這個轉變過程: 17179797 在我們過去,我們學到要信任我們的領袖,現在我們要學習別信任他們。在過去我們學到別相信人民告訴我們的,現在我們要學習再次相信人民。 我們處在社會的轉變過程中,意識的轉變過程中,別抗拒它們的改變,這會帶給我們更光明的未來,就去改變。 保持快樂,成為愛,成為光。 This week: Freshly gained insights seek their way into our everyday lives. Still our experience from past episodes resists. The following mantra we can support the transit: 17179797 In our past we learned to trust our leaders, now we learn to untrust them. In the past we learned to untrust people tells us, now we can learn to trust them again. We are in the transit in our society, transit in our consciousness, don't resist their changes, it guides you to a brighter future, be part of it, do the change. Be happy, be love, be light.

[Agni's Talk] 阿格尼開講 20220610 Weekly Update

EN below 本週: 情緒在翻筋斗。 試圖要在外在世界找到解決方法的嘗試中,它們被餵養了更多的能量。 解藥是在自己身上。 為何我無法確定自我價值? 是什麼讓我想在外在世界找到安全感? 跟隨情緒中的線索來到緣由。 然後靜下來,認出它們都是自己創造的。 這邊一樣有個數字真言讓情緒根源變得可見: 88991919 當我們被自身情緒牽動時,我們想從周遭世界、夥伴身上、朋友身上、敵人身上等,找到救贖,找到安全感,想確認他們就是作怪原因,而沒有去認出我們才是自己情緒的作怪原因。他們只是我們自身所是所為的鏡像。 所以如果你想要離開情緒波動,你必須回到你的源頭,回到你的自身,回到深層內在的你。在那兒你會找到造成這個情緒波的起始點,讓你不斷找尋安全感,想在外在世界找到認可。 如果你找到了這個起始點,就接受你是其主,它是你的,然後撫平這個波動,回到平靜,再次成為光與愛。 This week: Emotions are doing somersaults. In the attempt to find approaches for solutions in the outside, they are further fed with energy. Solutions are found in one's own self. Why am I not sure of my self-worth? What makes me seek security on the outside? Follow the clue of your emotions to their cause. Then calm down and realize that they are homemade. Here again is a number mantra to make the origin of your emotions visible to you: 88991919 When we are triggered by our own emotions, we look for rescue and finding security in our surrounding world and our partners and our friends and our enemies,  mak

[Agni's Talk] 阿格尼開講 20220603 Weekly Update

EN Below 本週: 靈性世界對發生在我們週遭的事物正在逐漸增加影響力。 能利益眾生的決定會得到更多的能量流入。 你可以透過下面箴言連結到這些免費的能量載具: 67776777 今天早上靈性世界的每個資源都接到了綠燈訊號,可以參與地球當下事務的決策。這會帶來強大的影響,讓我們能夠去幫助他人,讓我們能盡力服務我們的社群。而這對政府也是強大的脈動,使重思決策,看看什麼是對人類全部、社群全部、及我們全部,都是良善美好的。 保持快樂,成為愛,成為光。 This week: The spiritual world is having a stronger influence in what is happening around us. Decisions for the benefit of all get a strong energy inflow. You can connect to the free energy carriers with the following mantra: 67776777 Any resources of the spiritual world received a green light this morning to take part in the decision-making about what's happening on earth. That might be a strong influence to ourselves to helping, to be our best to serving our community. And it's a strong impulse for those in government to rethink the decisions and to decide for what is good for all mankind, for all communities, for all of us Stay happy, be love, be light.