2023 新年研討會筆記 Notes on New Year Seminar 2023

(EN Script below)





















  • 第一部分:龍舌蘭黃金水,頸後。拿走頂輪上的起司罩。
  • 第二部分:能量化鹽,前額與舌上。移除眼前的迷霧。
  • 第三部分:箴言,70908060。連結天堂與我們的心。

你拿起你的小瓶子,再次,Agni 會同時將它們能量化。這是你在之後整年都可以用的。如果你沒有滴瓶,噴瓶,等等,你也可以準備一杯水,之後你可以放好它,方便接下來一整年使用。它的功用是,它就像是金色河流,這金色龍舌蘭酒就像是金色河流,而這金色河流是個全年支持系統,在這一年,無論何時,你覺得你要掉下去了,你要掉出這個自身清楚嚴格的領導潛能之外時,就拿它來用。

當 Agni 一能量化完,我們首先要做的是滴一滴在我們的頂輪。因為這就像是基礎,這將會引導我們在意識上清楚自身獨有的領導力的格局,清楚這個我們自身嚴格、清楚的紀律。而它將會幫助我們度過這整年,因為一但你有了這個意識,你帶著這個意識穿越這一年。但當然,我們都知道,在這一年,將會有事件、人、狀況出現,要把我們甩出衝浪板。所以舉例來說,如果你感到痛,就滴一些在心輪,如果你有關係議題,就滴一些在腎臟,如果你對發生的事情感到不平靜,就滴一些在太陽神經叢。你知道,你會知道該用在哪裡以及如何用,來幫助你回到這個焦點,回到你自身道路上的這個嚴格清楚的領導力紀律。

步驟一,Agni 現在將要能量化所有的水,然後我們滴一滴或噴一下,或任何你的方法,在我們的頂輪,然後休息10分鐘,讓我們可以去經驗、感受,然後我們會交換有關我們學到的或理解到的。

我們要進行的步驟二實際上包含三個小步驟,所以我們在完成全部三個小步驟後才交換。這個步驟是有關可見性,變動的可見性,這意味著你變得更容易被看到,你的領導力品質變得更容易被看見,但這也有關其他人的清晰度層級,也就是給予他們像是打開對他們自身真實的層級之類的。所以 Agni 說,背景故事是,我們已經在安麗塔巴為向度入口工作近兩三年,他們現在基本上是在這邊關閉了,正移動到神聖土地。能量正移向神聖土地。因為很難讀取那個能量,非常困難,因為我們沒有那個清晰度、那個能力,去真的看到那個資訊,因為他們來自不同的向度。而現在這些向度打開了,或說如同在神聖土地上新創造般支持著,允許我們與其連結並找到我們的新創造。所以這全都跟我們感知上的感知力與清晰度的不同層級有關。

第一步是拿走我們頂輪上的封蓋。Agni 說他就像歐洲有的起司圓頂蓋,我們用起司圓頂蓋來防止起司的味道弄臭整個房間。但老師說,即使有圓頂蓋蓋著,味道仍然厚重難聞,而需要讓他離開。所以接下來會發生的是,一但蓋子移開,我們會再次與自身的神性指引有個更清晰與更容易的連結。方法是用一滴金色龍舌蘭酒滴在我們的後頸部位,三分鐘,然後圓頂蓋會移走,然後我們進行第二步。

現在你需要用到鹽。Agni 會將它能量化。然後我們要做的是你將一些鹽放在你的前額,然後將一粒放在舌上,三分鐘,讓眼前的霧消散。





EN Scripts

OK, So. He said, it's Christmas time soon, truth, so merry Christmas, happy new year and he said outlook for 2023 when we looked into this was very much about strictness. So we need strictness and discipline and, in order to be able to lead through this year.

And I've asked you to a little bottle, a dropper bottle, and salt. Whichever container you choose, theses what I have, Okay. Just as a reminder, this is what you need focus, for Agni to energize today for support.

This is basically like Agni gave a short overview of what the core of the seminar is about. When he first guided me into it about 3 months ago or so, the very first picture i saw was of a tequila. The first images were tequila and little straw skirts. a little bit like the Hawaiian dancers wear little straw skirts. Those were the first 2 pictures I saw, which was vert funny we had a great laugh like ahahaha.

OK, of course as always everything explains itself. It just needed more insight, so what the straw skirt really was about was to remind us of times where our core values were very strong and we were able to live them, and at the same time it reminded of all the times where these core values, core beliefs, core truths have been lied about , have been covered, have been dimmed down, have been not taken seriously, have been used for racism and so on. So it's like they've been basically used or abused to create like a lie, a cover of lies that has really pushed them down, so it's been really hard to actually live them and see them.

So obviously what we want to do is to take away this cover of lies, but the world is trying to keep them there, to keep this cover there, like what we're experiencing and have been experiencing for the last years. It's really like doctors and healers and medicine in general that is supposed to be healing us and supporting us really has been trying to destroy us. And the same goes for journalism and news, it's not there anymore to inform us, it's actually there to manipulate us.

So this is really what we live with right now, and this needs to go. So we want to lift this cover once again and in order at the end in order for us to be able to keep clear of it. We will receive a kind of clear sight glasses energy level. 

This New Year seminar is, it seems and feels and is a little bit more strict like, it's more like scolding us a little bit, making sure we're listening and doing. Because what is asked from us, is where it has very much to do with being leaders, and these leaders need like structure and discipline and order. 

And it does feel maybe for us, but definitely for people out in the world, it feels a little bit like being a slave to these structures. But really or enslaved by the structures that the world put on us. But really it's all about a divine caretaking. The divine wants to take care of us. It's God's way of taking care of us, of making sure we're staying on the path, we're staying  aligned, we're staying focused on living love, living our truth, not losing of the goal we're striving towards. 

So the softness, or like what Agni says, the soft washing cycle, making everything soft and pretty, that's not what this year is about, not on spiritual level and not on a life level either.

Agni says he's been obviously looking and immersing himself into next year again and again for a couple of months already. And he said the very first time it was like OMG, this cannot be happening. He said but the more often he immerses himself, the more he comes to like a very calm and deep joy. This is not so much the joy we are used to, like huh, it's very different kind of joy, it's more on the inside. So he said for us, our connection with the divine, the global connection with the divine, is something that we have to remind ourselves of consistently through out this year.

The beginning of the year will feel like probably the first half, people might think that man is crazy, there's nothing joyful in this. It's like there are so many things we still have to realize, recognize, experience. This process of becoming really conscious, this process of healing our wounds, this process of may be just experiencing what is our wounds is a really tough process. It will not feel very joyful, it will not feel very happy.

But he said he feels like this really this core and it's not, like he said, for him, because he's already experienced it. he already kind of knows where this is going, it's like this joy that comes that will come for all of us, has nothing to do with gloating, like 'Oh we're better' or 'we know better', no. It's really it comes from experience, it comes from walking all the individual steps necessary in order to get to this deep calm joy. So by the end of the year, he said everything will have been worth it, we will realize that every step we took was a good step and a necessary step. 

And this core of this calm and deep joy just has to really be peeled out of us. There's so many layers above this that still need to go. So it's like, this for sure is what will happen for us, like this is the goal that we will have reached by the end of the year starting into 2024. And it's really about this global goal, having humanity really awaken into consciousness and these are the steps we're taking to make this global goal possible. 

If this energy feels like enslavement, so you feel like you're being made a slave, Agni said that's really, it's really something we do to ourselves in a form, because we are experiencing, using for us a very uncommon, very strict form of strictness, of rigor, where and within our own discipline, so we're very much more strict with our, with keeping our own discipline. So it sometimes we're like, you know, we're enslaving, we're being enslaved, we're enslaving ourselves. So if we understand that this is what we do with ourselves in order to really get through this year, we're going to be OK. Obviously other people will feel the same thing, we all have to come to the same conclusion in the end.

And this is about, the story I mean was just telling it's about like he as a young man, he was in south America surfing, and like, the biggest joy was when the biggest waves were coming, because then you would take your board, he said, but as soon as you start towards that wave, you knew your joy had to change into concentration because otherwise you could not ride the wave. And you wanted to ride the wave at its highest peak without falling from the board, without drowning.

So he said, basically this is what we're experiencing now, we have our surfboard and we're riding the biggest wave ever, all o the years before the waves have never been this big. So our joy of being able to confront, to be part of this riding of the wave, also has to lead to focus and concentration. Because obviously there's a world around us that will try to influence us to break our concentration. But all we have to do is like, keep that, keep ourselves focused riding that wave on the very top peak without falling from the board.

And we will meet other people there that maybe will not be able to stay on the board, but Agni said it's like our own discipline is our own discipline, and everybody has to find that path, that understanding of their own discipline, we cannot have discipline for someone else, we cannot give discipline to someone else, everybody has to find that for themselves.

And he said, you know, the last years we've been experiencing, we've had so much experience with interactions with people, with our loved ones, friends, families, people out there in the world. Some who listen, some who don't. But for everybody, it's like, you have to do this for yourself. We can talk as much as we want to, but everybody has to do this for themselves, and we have to live with what everybody does for themselves, because that's just the way life is. But we have this capability, this ability, to have this discipline to ride the wave, to not fall off the board. 

Now we come to tequila.

(The initiation and exercise parts are in the following part.)

You have your little bottle, and again, Agni will energize them all at the same time. and it's something you can use throughout the the year. And if you don't have a dropper bottle , a spray bottle, or you know whatever, you can also have a glass of water, you just know like put it somewhere else later because you would like to keep this for the rest of the year. What is does, it's like a golden river, this golden tequila is like a golden river and this golden river is a year support system, through out the year whenever you feel like falling, you're falling out of this very clear and strict leadership potential, for yourself, use this.

The very once Agni has energized it, the very first thing is we will put a drop on our lotus chakra. Because this is like the base, it will lead us to become consciously aware of this leadership structure that is our own, of this rigorous, clear, strict discipline that is our own. and it will help us all through the year because once you have this consciousness, you go through the year with this consciousness, but of course, we all know, during the year, there will be incidents, people, happenings, that will try to throw us off our surf, from our surfboard. So like for instance, like you have pain, put some on your heart chakra, you have problems in your relationship, put some on your kidneys, you're not at peace with what is happening, put some on your solar plexus, you know, you will know where to use it, and how to use it to help you always come back to this focus, onto this, into this strict clear discipline of leadership for your own path. 

( 問答時間 QA time )

QA01. you can only use on yourself, don't use it on other people.

QA02 and if you would like to know where your fears are, where you can find fears in your system, you will have to connect to them in order see where they are. There's not one space within us where we find fear.

QA03 Refill? Fill it up before it's completely finished

QA04 But I don't thought that you need all day, ever day, so just once in a while when it feel really disturbed.

QA05 The question was 'Can you put like a drop into your own drink?'

And Agni suggested actually using it like homeopathy, and putting a drop like for instance under your own tongue because he said what happens what will maybe happen, in the course of the year is that because we try to make people understand, we try to be understood, because we love peopled we would love for them to understand what is happening, to give them, you know, to find their own guidance. But what happens is then we leave our own consciousness level because we have to talk on a level that we feel they understand what then needs to excessive talking, for ourselves which leads to us falling, veering from the path and not being reminded or not within our own discipline anymore. So using a drop under your tongue just immediately re-disciplines you into where you actually want to go, because we know we cannot save everybody, we just can't.

( 問答結束 End of QA )

First step, Agni will energize all the water now, then we put a drop or a spray or whatever you use, on our Lotus Chakra, then there will be 10 minutes break so we can experience , feel and then that we will have exchange about what we have already learned or understood.

This second step which we're getting to now actually has three steps. So we will only have an exchange after we're done with all three. It's about visibility, the changing visibility, which means you become more visible, your guiding leadership quality becomes more visible, but it's also about the level of clarity for others, OK, to give to them like the level of opening the level of clarity for their own truth. So Agni said the background story is like we have been working with the dimensional portals in Amritabha for the last 2 or 3 years, they are now like basically closing down here, moving to Sacred Land. The energy is moving to Sacred Land. Because it's really hard to read that energy, it's been really tough to read that energy, because we did not have the clarity, the ability to actually see that information, because it comes from the different dimension. So these dimensions that now open up or support like this new creation on Sacred Land also allows us to connect with that and find our own new creation. So it's all about different levels of perception and clarity in our perception. 

The first step is to take away the cover above our lotus chakra, Agni said it's like a cheese dome, in Europe , we have cheese domes to keep like the cheese smell from stinking up the whole room. But he said even with the dome above, it is really really stinky and smelly, and it now needs to go. So what happens is we, once this is gone, like we have a much clearer and much easier re-connection to our own divine guidance again. And the we we achieve that is one drop of our golden tequila, goes into the back of our neck, then 3 minutes, by then the dome should have lifted and then we come to step two.

So you need your salt. Agni will energize it. And then what we do is you put a little salt on your forehead and one grain on your tongue and then again for three minutes, so that the fog lifts from in front of your eyes.

You can repeat this step. keep your salt, and repeat the steps.

For a few of us, maybe it can be like a razor blade , very scratchy. 

So the third step is the connection of heaven and our heart, make it more physical, make it more physically recognizable and become more stable. So it's a constant in our life, not we're constantly have to look for this connection. It will hep us to be the light in the darkness, because there will be times when this light is needed during the next year.

And you use the numbers mantra that's in the chat 70908060.