誘發幻覺的藥物 Hallucinating Drugs



服用例如 LSD 或蟾蜍毒素後,「搜尋自身的光」這件事變得不再吸引人,因為你的光之感受器連上了一個外來的光。









As most of you joined path into light, you are already educated why not taking hallucinating drugs.

They attract you to a light, that is not your own.

After taking drugs like LSD or buffotoxin, searching for your own light becomes unattractive, as your light receptors are connected to an alien light.

Anyway you might need guidance for people around you, who might be attracted to drugs:

There are several reasons why taking hallucinating drugs, such as psychedelics or hallucinogens, can be highly dangerous and should be avoided:

1. Health risks: Hallucinating drugs can have unpredictable effects on the brain and body. These substances can cause hallucinations, distort perception, heighten anxiety, induce paranoia, and increase blood pressure and heart rate. They may also lead to impaired judgment, coordination, and decision-making abilities, making accidents more likely.

2. Psychological harm: Hallucinating drugs can trigger intense psychological experiences and alter one's sense of self and reality. Some individuals may have a negative trip, characterized by overwhelming fear, anxiety, or panic. These experiences can be traumatic and lead to long-lasting psychological issues, such as flashbacks, anxiety disorders, or even drug-induced psychosis.

3. Legal consequences: The possession, use, and distribution of many hallucinogenic substances are illegal in most countries. Getting involved with illegal drugs can lead to a criminal record, fines, incarceration, and significant damage to one's personal and professional reputation.

4. Addiction potential: Some hallucinating drugs can be addictive. Continued use may lead to dependence, where an individual feels a compulsive need to take drugs to function normally. Over time, addiction can have far-reaching negative effects on all aspects of a person's life, including relationships, work, and overall well-being.

5. Loss of control: Taking hallucinating drugs can result in a loss of control over one's thoughts, emotions, and actions. This can lead to risky behaviors, accidents, or situations where harm can occur, both to oneself and others.

It is crucial to prioritize physical and mental well-being, and seek alternative ways to address any personal or psychological issues through healthier and legal means, such as therapy, counseling, or natural coping strategies.
