巴巴吉的一句有力而發人深省的格言 A Powerful and Intriguing Quote from Mahavatar Babaji








If you come to doubt, I'll give you every reason to doubt. If you come suspicious, I'll give you every reason to be suspicious. But if you come seeking Love, I'll show you more love than you've ever known

Mahavatar Babaji

What a powerful and intriguing quote from Mahavatar Babaji. It speaks to the nature of our perceptions and how they shape our experiences and interactions in the world.

The quote suggests that our mindset and expectations play a crucial role in our experiences with others. If we approach situations or individuals with doubt or suspicion, we may find reasons to amplify those feelings, confirming and reinforcing our negative assumptions about people and circumstances.

However, the quote takes a profound turn when it mentions seeking love. It implies that if we approach relationships and encounters with a genuine desire for love, open-heartedness, and compassion, we will be met with an abundance of love. It suggests that when we open ourselves to love and seek it earnestly, the universe responds by showering us with more love than we could ever imagine.

This quote encourages us to examine our own attitudes and perceptions. It reminds us that when we are open to love and approach life with a loving and accepting mindset, we create an environment for love to flourish. It invites us to be aware of the energy and intentions we bring to our relationships, interactions, and experiences, recognizing that they have a profound effect on the outcomes we receive.

In essence, Mahavatar Babaji's quote serves as a profound reminder of the power of our mindset and intentions. It prompts us to be conscious of the energy we bring into our lives, encouraging us to approach the world with love, compassion, and openness. By doing so, we create space for love to blossom and experience the transformative power of love in our lives.
