與你的神性源頭切斷連結 Disconnecting From Your Divine Origin


神,就像是火與光一般,具有不受人們的選擇所影響,這樣的內在特性 - 神聖本質持續存在並持續閃耀出神聖光輝,而不論人們是否撤離。然而,就像從火或光中撤離時,會導致感到寒冷或被黑暗包圍,從神身邊撤離時,會造成一個人的生命中少掉了神性的溫暖、指引、與愛。





這個選擇要由我們自己來作 - 是要靠近神的溫暖、光輝、與愛,還是選擇撤離,並冒著受寒及被黑暗籠罩的風險。

Disconnecting From Your Divine Origin

When individuals make the conscious decision to withdraw themselves from the warmth of a fire, they may find themselves growing cold despite the fire's persistence in radiating its comforting heat. In a similar way, when people choose to distance themselves from light, the light itself remains bright, but they're left enveloped in darkness, devoid of its illuminating embrace. This very principle also applies to the act of withdrawing from a connection with God.

God, much like fire and light, has an intrinsic attribute that remains unaffected by human choices—the Divine essence continues to exist and shine with divine brilliance regardless of whether or not people withdraw. However, just as withdrawing from fire or light results in feeling cold or being surrounded by darkness, withdrawing from God can lead to an absence of divine warmth, guidance, and love in one's life.

Choosing to remove oneself from a connection with God can have profound consequences on an individual's spiritual well-being. It can leave them feeling isolated, confused, and bereft of the divine purpose and meaning that God provides. God's presence brings comfort, hope, and a sense of purpose, much like the flickering flame that warms and lights up a dark room.

The choice to withdraw from God may involve personal reasons, doubt, or simply a lack of priority given to spirituality. In these instances, individuals may find themselves disconnected from the ultimate source of meaning and fulfillment. However, it's important to note that even in such circumstances, God's steadfast presence and love endure, waiting patiently for a rekindling of that connection.

Like the warmth from a fire, which beckons us to come closer and bask in its comforting glow, or the brightness of light that invites us to step out of the darkness, God's invitation to reconnect is always open. Choosing to embrace this invitation may bring back the spiritual warmth, illumination, and divine presence that one had initially chosen to withdraw from.

In essence, the decision to withdraw from God is a choice that leaves individuals longing for the spiritual nourishment and vibrant relationship that they had once experienced. It is only by rekindling that connection, by stepping back into the illuminating embrace of the divine, that they can fully restore the sense of purpose, warmth, and love that they had forsaken.

The choice is ours to make—to draw close to the warmth, radiance, and love of God, or to withdraw and risk growing cold and being enveloped in darkness.
